

"Art is more than drawing and painting. It's a unique way of perceiving the world's intricate details that connect with the essence of all things; and then trying to capture those emotions, ideas, and deeper meanings on paper." — Walt Viviers

As an artist, I express my creativity and imagination through various forms of art. I have a unique way of seeing and interpreting the world around me, and I use my skills and techniques to create something visual, auditory, or performance-based that evokes emotions or communicates ideas.

I work with different mediums, such as painting, drawing, photography, dance, literature, and more. I draw inspiration from my personal experiences, emotions, and the world I observe. I am also influenced by historical, cultural, and social events, as well as other artists and art movements.

Being an artist is not only my profession, but it is also my passion. I’ve showcase my work in galleries and exhibitions, as well as through online platforms and social media. Ultimately, being an artist allows me to use my creativity and imagination to express myself and connect with others on a deeper level through the power of art.

Click here to send me an email, if you’re interested in commissioning me for an artwork.


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